Sterling Weigh Station – Sterling, AK
The Sterling Weigh Station Design‐Build, Civil Construction project provided a 134’ scale in addition to the adjoining 1100‐sq. ft. building. The building featured an open workroom with a three‐sided store front that allows employees to see the entire length of the scale without a break in vision.
The scale presented the challenge of coordinating subcontractors and suppliers while maintaining steady workflow on the adjacent building. The complexity exemplified Blazy’s ability to manage and finish on schedule.
Blazy’s project management style of addressing problems in advance allowed them to coordinate a number of subcontractors and suppliers, reducing potential delays. The owner was impressed with how well the project was executed compared to similar weigh station projects in process at the same time.
Blazys’s Role: Design-Build
Construction Budget: $2,129,098
Construction Period: 8 months
Delivery Method: Qualifications Based Selection
Owner: ADOT&PF
Design Consultant: WHPacific, Inc.
I have worked with many contractors over my 30 years with the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, therefore recognize and appreciate the quality and integrity with which this company has performed on this project. They were an absolute pleasure to work with and I would highly recommend them to any agency or firm that is considering awarding a contract to them.
Laura Edwards, Transportation Planner II – State of Alaska Dept. of Transport & Public Facilities